Legal Notice

Legal Notice for the Website

By using this site or any of the elements available on the Truevault server, you agree to the following legal notice:


The publishing team disclaims all responsibility for the content of referenced pages and their use. The products and services described on these pages do not constitute a commercial offer. Only the company Truevault has the capacity to determine the potential availability of the services and products concerned and to set the applicable conditions, including pricing.

The publishing team cannot be held responsible in any way if the documents and related graphical elements published on this server contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors, outdated or incomplete information. The same applies to modifications that are periodically made to the information contained on this server.

Truevault and its logo are protected as trademarks. The Truevault trademark has been regularly registered in France:

  • On September 4, 2022, with INPI in France under number 4895045
  • On February 5, 2023, with INPI in France under number 4934289

The texts and graphical elements, their presentations, assemblies, and HTML code on this site are the exclusive property of the company Truevault, unless otherwise noted. They constitute works and are protected as such by the laws of countries around the world and international treaties.

The static content (HTML code, images) used on the Truevault web server pages has been deposited with the digital deposits agency and CopyrightDepot.

All mentioned trademarks on this server are the respective property of their authors.


It is allowed to reproduce all or part of this site without permission on paper for non-commercial purposes, provided that the texts and graphical elements have not been altered, the distribution is free, and the following notice appears clearly: “Document extracted from the website all rights reserved.”

It is allowed to use personal and non-transferable private usage rights on the content of this site or one of its elements, and you can store this website for display on a single computer screen and keep a copy for backup.

It is allowed to establish a textual or graphical link using the Truevault logo to the page whose address is as follows and only for this purpose, provided that:

  • This page appears clearly under its actual address.
  • The websites that establish links to this address engage in activities and disseminate information and/or images in accordance with public order and good morals, and, in general, comply with French and international law.

Subject to the rights granted above, any reproduction or representation, even partial, of the content of this site is expressly prohibited, including:

  • For commercial or distribution purposes.
  • Any use of all or part of this website in a networked computer environment.
  • Through the mechanism of links, especially when presenting a Truevault site page in frames or “frames” not belonging to the Truevault site through framing techniques or using an element on an external site through the technique of “in-line linking.”
  • Through repeated or systematic extraction of protected or unprotected elements from the Truevault site, causing any harm.

Any other use of information, logos belonging to this site, and any dissemination of information related to this site is prohibited, unless prior express written authorization (in electronic form only). All rights not expressly granted are reserved.


The editorial team reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site as well as this legal notice at any time and without notice.


The Web server, and by extension, the computer system of Truevault, does not collect any personal information without prior authorization from the interested parties.

This site uses a cookie for its operation. It also records, for security reasons, activity, IP traffic, and entered phone numbers. No other information will be collected without your knowledge. This information is declassified every year.

Email addresses that may be provided to the Truevault information system cannot be transferred to third parties or used for unintended purposes.

In accordance with Article 27 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to computers, files, and freedoms, you have the right to access, rectify, or delete data concerning you from the publishing team: , under the conditions provided by Article 34 of said law.

This website is governed by French law. Only the courts of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Copyright © 2023 Truevault – Legal notice January 2023

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